adf_09While The Stars Are At Play

While The Stars Are At Play serves as a tool for parents and caregivers of very young children to introduce them to the subject of perspective and spiritual self-awareness through a whimsical cast of loving stars.  All of the books in the Lightheart Kids series are intentionally non-denominational and are intended to illustrate what all of us have in common as sacred inhabitants of a grand and mysterious Universe that we share with forces “bigger” than we are!  Each book ends with a list of suggested Discussion Questions to help facilitate dialogue with children and to provide a safe and non-threatening platform for further conversation with young people.




cover2Chasing Grace

Chasing Grace is the story of a boy who wanted nothing more than to leave his troubled life behind him, but what he found instead is a cast of mystical and loving sea creatures beneath the waves who taught him that grace is abundant and ever-present, even in the most unlikely places!  Chasing Grace is a testament to the optimism and hope that children often have, but like us, they need a gentle reminder to hold steady to that outlook through compassion for others and gratitude for the gifts we often take for granted.





Coming Soon!
The next two books in the series to further the conversation! Check back, and join the Lightheart Kids family below!

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